DFN is the UK licence holder for Project SEARCH with over 150 supported internship programmes. Every year, 20 young people participate in a national Youth Advisory Group (YAG) and this year 2 interns from Derby (St Martins School) are part of this important group.
This year, the Youth Advisory Board are going to the Houses of Parliament on March 25th in preparation for National Supported Internship day.
So, What's it all about?
"Its a great opportunity to go to the Houses of Parliament with the Youth Advisory Group, after all its not everyday you get to go. I am hopeful that the MPs we talk to will see our point of view about why Supported Internships are so important, not only for getting into work but the whole holistic approach to work. Before I was an intern, I didn't really have a planned direction so I would like to raise awareness around supported internships so other people don't feel that way.
As a result of going, I would like to see more supported internships being offered to young people with autism, more networks within businesses to offer more programmes which would then mean more young people have access to work. In turn, this creates a more inclusive and diverse workforce and increases personal wellbeing by boosting self esteem and contributing to society"
"We are going to the house of parliament to have a meet and great and have breakfast with the MPs to talk about why supported internships are so important for young people to get in the word of work and to talk to people that may not know about supportive internships. Also to tell the MPs how amazing supportive internship are and how there benefit people with disability into work.
Whilst we are at the house of parliament we will attend a workshop to write letters to our MPs about how supported internships could be batter and ideas on how to increase the number of them around the country, make them understand how vital they are to people with additional needs that want to work.
I am going to represent DFN Project SEARCH in London to get my voice heard about supported internships as this is important to me. If we didn't have supportive internships there would not be many opportunities for young people when they leave Education and be a part of the word of work"
More to follow :-)