Ivy House School are pleased to share the launch of their in-school food bank, an initiative aimed at supporting members of their school community who may be facing food insecurity. Ivy House have been kindly inviting people to contriube to their food bank by donating non-perishable items. The food bank is not only a resource for those in need but also a communal effort where everyone is encouraged to take what they require. Any surplus food at the end of the term will be donated to the Derby City Mission, extending the impact beyond the school gates.
There are local food banks available to assist families in need. These invaluable community resources can provide essential assistance during challenging times. Whether it's a helping hand with groceries or other essentials, these food banks are here to support you. To find a list of food banks local to your area, please visit the following website: What Food Banks Need - Give Food
Thank you,
Ian Armstrong
Ivy House School