On Tuesday the 18th students from Endon High School, Kidsgrove Secondary School and Madeley High School joined forces with 3 other local schools as part of their Enthuse Partnership with Charles River Laboratories, a global biotechnology company that has a base in north Staffordshire.


Students from year 9 and 10 had the opportunity to spend the day visiting various STEM departments at Keele University. Students visited the university’s observatory and meet with Professor Van Loon, the director for the observatory.

Following the observatory visit, students experienced the stardom, Keele University’s own planetarium experience. In this immersive session they could explore the entire cosmos from comfort of the university.


After lunch and a tour of the campus students had the chance to get hands on with some chemistry in a university grade laboratory. The students investigated reaction times of chemical reactions whilst using the highest quality equipment and resources, giving them all a real flavour of what life is like studying a STEM subject at university.


We would like to extend our thanks to Keele University for hosting all of our students and Charles River Laboratories for providing the financial support to make the day such a success!